Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"I Suck!"

I realize when I say things often because Sarah starts to say them.  So when I started hearing Sarah say, "Sucks!" I became more aware of this word slipping out of my mouth.  I then realized how often I say "I suck."  How sad, I don't want Sarah to think/say that about herself.  Um . . . so do I really think that about myself?  If I'm saying that to myself, I must mean it, right?  I'm not perfect, I know that, but do I really think I suck?  I do not suck.  I make sucky choices but I do not suck.

I am redeemed.

I am a daughter of The King.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am God's workmanship.

I need to start seeing myself as God sees me.  I need to stop the lie that I suck from perpetuating itself in my attitude throughout the day.  I don't want that to be something I pass on to my daughters.

When I started to combat that lie, I seemed to accomplish more.  I found myself handling life more peacefully and joyfully again.

Once again, I find freedom in truth.