I quite enjoyed our training. The owner of our FFA (he runs the place, do FFAs have owners?) came to our house once a week (maybe once every two weeks) for a few months and went over packets of information and discussed required audio and video homework. We really felt comfortable with him and trusted his insight into what type of family we were and what kids might be a good match for us.
We got our apartment fixed-up to meet requirements and filled out all the paperwork. We became certified in October. Then we waited. We knew that if we didn't get a little girl before the beginning of November they wouldn't place anyone with us until we returned from our trip to South Africa over Christmas and the New Year.
We came back from our trip and waited. I was tempted to call the agency and let them know we were home now and available. I knew they knew though. I practiced patience and enjoyed my time with Sarah. As the waiting went on I realized how much I enjoyed my one-on-one time with Sarah and started to pray more specifically for the changes that would occur when someone else joined our family and that we both would be prepared.
I started to only randomly think about the possibility that at any moment we could be called and our life would be turned upside down. It was no longer in the forefront of my mind like it was right after we were certified.
I found it interesting which of our acquaintances would remember and ask us if we were still going to foster. Some people were really concerned about Sarah's safety and questioned our thoughtfulness towards her in our decision making. Jonathan and I discussed many times our concerns for Sarah and how it would affect her. Anytime I started to become anxious I would left those thoughts to God and continually received a peace in our decision and yet a realistic understanding that this wasn't going to be easy and that Sarah would definitely be affect but hopefully for the better.
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