We were at Papa and Nana's house doing laundry. JJ had cracker's from her sacklunch from preschool. She was taunting Sarah saying, "Here you want one," and then eating it. I let this happen a few times and watched how Sarah handled it. She was getting confused, frustrated, and started to whimper.
I explained to JJ that if she was offering Sarah a cracker she, then, must give her one because it is mean to only offer and then not share. JJ started sharing some of her crackers. When there were only two crackers left, she once again offered and then this time slowly ate it in front of Sarah. It was basically evil. Sarah started crying.
I was quite angry but decided to just see if I could find any crackers to give Sarah. I gave her two crackers and almost instantly, with tears still in her eyes, she turned and handed JJ one of the two crackers.
Soooo sweet.