I have only had a few professional massage experiences in my life-time. Sometimes I dwell on how intimate (not sexual necessarily) it seems. "Hi, stranger, let me lay naked under this sheet while you rub my body." Other times I wonder about my massage therapist and their journey in life that brought them to this job choice. I wonder about what their weirdest massage experiences have been. Is it like a hair salon situation where you can talk to your massage therapist and carry on a conversation or must you remain silent to maintain the calming ambiance. My goal was to try not to be so analytical during the massage and just relax and enjoy.
The plan was to use the half hour before my massage to shave my legs (because even though it's summer I was maintaining my mountain woman status). We arrived later than expected so I did not get to accomplish my goal. When my massage therapist asked if there were any health concerns or anything she should be aware of, I made her aware of my furry legs. I figured instead of me feeling awkward I'd just prepare her in advance. She said it was actually better that I didn't shave because she uses so much lotion and it could irritate freshly shaved skin.
After the massage my mom, sister, and I were discussing our experiences and I happened to mention that I didn't remember my bum getting quite the rub down in the past as it did this time. Apparently my bum was the only one that received such attention. Well, we'll just leave it at that then.
This particular spa is great because in the ladies area you can go in the jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, quiet room, and most everything is provided for you.
When I go, I wear a bathing suit, usually a two-piece. Some ladies walk around naked. I've contemplated doing the naked thing. I think I have issues with the lack of barrier between pubic hair and spa water.
We were all enjoying the calm atmosphere wandering around choosing different places to relax. I think it's fine if a person chooses to be naked at the spa. I just have issues with how to interact. Do I completely ignore the naked people? They are just people, they just happen to have no clothes on. Most of the naked people avoided eye contact or I wondered if they thought my usual friendly smile and nod acknowledgment was awkward because they were naked.
Why does it matter that they were naked? Does it matter? I felt no jealousy. I wasn't critically comparing. I found us quite beautiful in an artistic sense, like the curve of our hips. Our bodies also give clues about our lives and what we value. I found it difficult not to sneak peeks at people. I was curious about tattoos, breast implant scars, different types of bikini waxes, and why each person wanted to escape to the spa.
I ended my spa stay by reading and falling asleep in the quiet room where robes are required.
Happy Birthday, Mom!

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